Todai To Texas is a support program and competition for startup companies and student tech projects from the University of Tokyo to exhibit at SXSW Trade Show, held in Austin, Texas every year.
Takaharu worked on Todai To Texas program and was in charge of the design support for the 2019 and 2020 exhibiting teams, the booth design for 2020, and other design works.
As support for the exhibiting team, I created logos, websites and swags. For the booth design, I was in charge of the spatial design of the booth, including the arrangement of the exhibits, the design of the fixtures, and the creation of the booth background and floor visuals. I also produced the contest's recruitment poster and website.
Todai To Texasはスタートアップや学生の技術プロジェクトを東大からアメリカ オースティンで開催される音楽・映画・技術の一大イベントであるSXSWのTrade Showに出展するプログラムおよびその選考コンテストです。
私はTodai To Texasプログラムの運営に携わり、2019年の出展チームのデザイン支援・2020年のブースデザインおよび出展チームのデザイン支援、その他のデザイン業務を担当しました。